Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thumbs Up For Vuvuzelas and All Other Things Loud and Blue

So my wonderful mother gets tickets to the Vancouver Whitecaps games from work. And they're not just any old tickets. I'm talking VIP tickets here, that include free food and magical seats.

Okay. So maybe the seats aren't magical. But they vibrate when you blow the vuvuzela REALLY hard. For those of you who don't watch any soccer at all, a vuvuzela is a horn thing that you blow in. It makes noise, and it's really handy when you want to wake up your sisters in the morning.

But anyway. I got my vuvuzela signed by a whole wack of the players after the game. It was totally awesome, because I got that sense of "Oh my God. I just watched these guys play a game...and now they're like, RIGHT here, less that two feet away from me, close enough for me to almost hit them in the face with my vuvuzela." And as a matter of fact, I almost hit #15, Phillippe Davies, in the face with my vuvuzela. It's a good thing I didn't, because he's kinda hot. I'm just sayin.

I have no idea how to end this, and I should be getting upstairs soon, so, peace.
OKAY WHO THE HELL AM I KIDDING? I can't say peace. It just sounds so stupid. BYE. FAREWELL. CAIO. Kay bye.
Love you guys.


I'm such a legend.

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