Thursday, February 4, 2010

First Post – Slice of My Life

Well. Here I am. At my own blog, typing away, thinking quickly about anything witty to say. This blog is strictly for school. I have to say that now.

Our first piece of homework from Ms. Bancroft was given about thirty minutes ago, and that homework was: start a blog, write your blog, and add the whole class to see it. So, I started my blog, am in the process of actually writing my blog, and I have no idea how to add the rest of the class to view my amazing work.

Where to start? Well, since we’re supposed to be writing about what’s important to us, I guess I can start with what SHOULD be most important to most people. Family.

My family is big, Italian, and loud. Christmas, Thanksgiving and birthdays are greatly celebrated with oodles of food, laughter and the embarrassment of me, Sarah. I think that sometimes we all take our families for granted, and we forget how lucky we actually are to be loved. I know that every time I fight with a family member, I feel bad after, and usually I end up apologizing.  To quote one of my best friends, “Apologizing does not always mean that you were wrong and the other person was right. It Just mean's you value your relationship more then your Ego.”

Something else that is very important to me is laughter. Laughter is not a material thing, it’s something that I think is special. I heard once that the more you laugh, the better you feel, the healthier you are. I even surround myself with people who make me laugh often! Who wouldn’t?!  Laughing is  something that I love to do, I hope everyone else does too :)

Another thing that I really value in others is honesty. I absolutely CANNOT stand it when I find out that someone has been lying to me. Not only does it make me quite mad, it also makes me sad, because I had most likely trusted the person that had lied to me.

I think that honesty is one of those things that effects us greatly. Although most of us don’t like to hear the truth if it’s a bad thing, especially when we know that the truth is…well…true, I think that we should all appreciate it, because in the end, it’s something special that should be valued.

Something else important to me is sports. I believe that participating in organized sports is a way to build good strong bonds with others, build leadership, and have fun. I myself play field hockey and soccer.  I have played field hockey for four years starting this season, and soccer for nine years. 

And to finish this entry, I value life. The smell of the world after it’s rained, the crunch of leaves underfoot, the warm feeling of a hug. Little, simple things that people sometimes overlook. Sometimes, those simple things are the most important things.

And to really finish it, I have two quotes of lyrics:

”It’s all about the little things, it’s all about discovering/ The way I pick you up when you are down/ It’s all about the little things/ How I miss the little things.”

- Varsity Fanclub

And my personal favourite,

“Living like life’s going out of style”

- Fall Out Boy

Thanks for the read :)

- Sarah <3


1 comment:

  1. Sarah, that was an enjoyable read! It is such a pleasure to see students enjoying writing and sharing what matters most to them. What a colourful image of your loud Italian family! There's a great edit feature whether you use Blogger or LiveWriter to create your posts so I am hoping everyone will make good use of it to strengthen their writing and eliminate the typos and silly mistakes that I know you can all correct. I hope you start reading each others' posts and making some comments of your own.
