Tuesday, February 9, 2010

If You Value Your Life And My Friendship, Don’t Eat Corndogs.


“Hey to who exactly Sarah?”

To whoever happens to be reading this, silly.

”Is anyone actually reading this?”

I have no idea. If someone WAS reading this, hopefully they’ll comment on this post and tell me that they are, and that I’m gorgeous and that one day I will discover a special talent of communicating with the dead, and I’ll find out that I have lunch with the Vancouver Canucks weekly, and we’re all BFF’s.

”You’re weird. I think I might be leaving now.”

I really don’t blame you…


”I never left. You need to calm down.”

I know. I’m dramatic. But it keeps things interesting…….doesn’t it?

”Whatever, crazy girl. I’m just going to put in my earbuds, and listen to the soothing sounds of ABBA.”

Ew. ABBA. My mother listens to ABBA all the time. Personally, I prefer a bit more modern music.

”Such as…?”

Fall Out Boy, Hedley, The Latency, Ke$ha, 3OH!3, Linkin Park, Varsity Fanclub, Paramore. You get the idea. Rock and some raunchy R&B.

”That’s great, but I think that ABBA’s a lot more entertaining.”

Does that mean that you also think that Robert Pattinson is attractive?

”Not really.”

Are you sure?

”Yeah. Pretty sure. I don’t like men whose characters glitter in the sunlight. It makes me think of a pretty tragic childhood experience.”

Tragic childhood experience? Do tell.

”You really want to know?”

Yeah. Hence why I asked.

”Okay. Well one day when I was four, I was making a Valentine’s Day card for my brother, when my hyper active dog that looks like a handicapped squirrel ran over and tromped on the tube full of glitter, which squirted into my eyes, causing me to become colour blind. By the way, are you wearing a blue or purple shirt? I can’t really tell.”

So you’re telling me that you’re scared for life by glitter.

”Yes I am.”

*Facepalm* What does any of this have to do with Robert Pattinson?

“Oh yeah. One day….uhm….well…. actually it has nothing to do with him, he just hurts my eyes quite a bit.”

That’s completely understandable. I think we could be fairly good friends.

”But you sound crazy. I don’t think that my mom would approve of such a crazy sounding person.”

Because your “handicapped squirrel” that made you become colour blind story isn’t weird at all, right?

“Whatever. I’m going to go get a corndog, I’ll be right back.”

Ew. You eat corndogs?

”Of course, they’re the best invention in the world after Chuck Norris movies.”

Sorry. I can’t be friends with you after all. Corndogs are the spawn of Satan. See you later buddy.


  1. Yes, Sarah, someone IS reading this. :) Very interesting.... the chat format, that is. Also, how did you do this at 11 a.m. on a Tuesday....?

  2. Haha, that was supposed to go onto my other blog, the Live Writer was all messed up.

    As for posting it during class, I think it was after I finished reading...I can't remember.

  3. ahahah way to go sarah. I just randomly decided to go on my blog, so I decided to go and wonder around on your blog :P
    This is pretty intresting.
    ahah that's why I love you :)
