Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Friday Everything Changed

*A story we read in English that we are now writing a paragraph about*

(This was a really well written post, but then my Internet crashed and the draft only saved ONE sentence.)

If you ask me, I think that this story was mainly about women's rights and how girls can do anything boys can do. The paragraph we read was saying how the teacher, Miss Ralston, was both feminine and masculine, and that she was the main character in this story that made the difference. She was masculine because she would strap the children quite hard, and she was feminine because she dressed pretty and was nice.
As we got deeper into the story, I think that Miss Ralston proved to be more masculine than feminine because she went out to play ball with the boys and ended up hitting it into the ox pasture.
Another thing that made her special was that she actually considered the idea of girls going to get the water bucket, while most male teachers probably would have not even thought about it twice.
So in the end, I think that this story is saying that girls can do what guys can do, and that one person can make a huge difference.

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