Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thumbs Up For Vuvuzelas and All Other Things Loud and Blue

So my wonderful mother gets tickets to the Vancouver Whitecaps games from work. And they're not just any old tickets. I'm talking VIP tickets here, that include free food and magical seats.

Okay. So maybe the seats aren't magical. But they vibrate when you blow the vuvuzela REALLY hard. For those of you who don't watch any soccer at all, a vuvuzela is a horn thing that you blow in. It makes noise, and it's really handy when you want to wake up your sisters in the morning.

But anyway. I got my vuvuzela signed by a whole wack of the players after the game. It was totally awesome, because I got that sense of "Oh my God. I just watched these guys play a game...and now they're like, RIGHT here, less that two feet away from me, close enough for me to almost hit them in the face with my vuvuzela." And as a matter of fact, I almost hit #15, Phillippe Davies, in the face with my vuvuzela. It's a good thing I didn't, because he's kinda hot. I'm just sayin.

I have no idea how to end this, and I should be getting upstairs soon, so, peace.
OKAY WHO THE HELL AM I KIDDING? I can't say peace. It just sounds so stupid. BYE. FAREWELL. CAIO. Kay bye.
Love you guys.


I'm such a legend.

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Favourite Piece of Poetry

I've Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth by Pete Wentz

Joke me something awful just like kisses on the necks of "just friends"
We're the kids who feel like dead ends
And I want to be known for my hits, not just my misses
I took a shot and didn't even come close

At trust and love and hope
And the poets are just kids who didn't make it
And never had it at all

And the record won't stop skipping
And the lies just won't stop slipping
And besides my reputation's on the line
We can fake it for the airwaves
Force our smiles, baby, half dead
From comparing myself to everyone else around me

Please put the doctor on the phone 'cause I'm not making any sense
Blame everyone but me for this mess
And my back has been breaking from this heavy heart
We never seemed so far

I'm hopelessly hopeful, you're just hopeless enough
But we never had it at all

And the record won't stop skipping
And the lies just won't stop slipping
And besides my reputation's on the line
We can fake it for the airwaves
Force our smiles, baby, half dead
From comparing myself to everyone else around me
To everyone else around me
Everyone else around me
Everyone else around me

This is actually a song, so for these purposes it’s a lyrical poem, I suppose. This “lyrical poem” is performed by the band Fall Out Boy, and was written by bassist Pete Wentz. The impact these words have on me is quite big, it really makes me think of how this can apply to anyone, how we all want to please people, but sometimes we need to man up and be ourselves, and maybe not care so much what other think about our choices and what we do.

One line that I think is the best of the whole song:

”And I want to be known for my hits not just my misses I took a shot and didn’t even come close”

It’s kind of sad, really, but at the same time, makes me think.

I don’t think there are too many literary devices in this, maybe one or two, the chorus is probably the most poetic out of it all.

I really love this song. So much <3

Listen to the song! (Because it's amazing)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Kim Campbell

One woman in my opinion who has done something that is a large step forward for women is Kim Campbell, who was the first female Prime Minister of Canada. Something that I thought was very interesting was she was born in Port Alberni, BC (which is on Vancouver Island). She was elected into office for the Progressive Party of Canada on June 25, 1993, becoming the first female leader of Canada. Although her run was a short one. In October 1993 she retired from politics when Canada chose a new Liberal government. One other thing that interested me was that her real name was Avril Phaedra, and when her mom left the family, (Kim was 12) she renamed herself Kim. She went to Prince of Wales Secondary School, and became the first girl to be elected as class president. And in 1964 when she went to UBC, and became the first female freshman president. Also, while she was an early teenager, she was a reporter on a CBC program called Junior Television Club. For a period of time she was married to Nathan Divinsky, although they later divorced. She is now living in Paris, France with her common law husband Hershey Felder.

Sources Used:

Source for picture:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Friday Everything Changed

*A story we read in English that we are now writing a paragraph about*

(This was a really well written post, but then my Internet crashed and the draft only saved ONE sentence.)

If you ask me, I think that this story was mainly about women's rights and how girls can do anything boys can do. The paragraph we read was saying how the teacher, Miss Ralston, was both feminine and masculine, and that she was the main character in this story that made the difference. She was masculine because she would strap the children quite hard, and she was feminine because she dressed pretty and was nice.
As we got deeper into the story, I think that Miss Ralston proved to be more masculine than feminine because she went out to play ball with the boys and ended up hitting it into the ox pasture.
Another thing that made her special was that she actually considered the idea of girls going to get the water bucket, while most male teachers probably would have not even thought about it twice.
So in the end, I think that this story is saying that girls can do what guys can do, and that one person can make a huge difference.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

If You Value Your Life And My Friendship, Don’t Eat Corndogs.


“Hey to who exactly Sarah?”

To whoever happens to be reading this, silly.

”Is anyone actually reading this?”

I have no idea. If someone WAS reading this, hopefully they’ll comment on this post and tell me that they are, and that I’m gorgeous and that one day I will discover a special talent of communicating with the dead, and I’ll find out that I have lunch with the Vancouver Canucks weekly, and we’re all BFF’s.

”You’re weird. I think I might be leaving now.”

I really don’t blame you…


”I never left. You need to calm down.”

I know. I’m dramatic. But it keeps things interesting…….doesn’t it?

”Whatever, crazy girl. I’m just going to put in my earbuds, and listen to the soothing sounds of ABBA.”

Ew. ABBA. My mother listens to ABBA all the time. Personally, I prefer a bit more modern music.

”Such as…?”

Fall Out Boy, Hedley, The Latency, Ke$ha, 3OH!3, Linkin Park, Varsity Fanclub, Paramore. You get the idea. Rock and some raunchy R&B.

”That’s great, but I think that ABBA’s a lot more entertaining.”

Does that mean that you also think that Robert Pattinson is attractive?

”Not really.”

Are you sure?

”Yeah. Pretty sure. I don’t like men whose characters glitter in the sunlight. It makes me think of a pretty tragic childhood experience.”

Tragic childhood experience? Do tell.

”You really want to know?”

Yeah. Hence why I asked.

”Okay. Well one day when I was four, I was making a Valentine’s Day card for my brother, when my hyper active dog that looks like a handicapped squirrel ran over and tromped on the tube full of glitter, which squirted into my eyes, causing me to become colour blind. By the way, are you wearing a blue or purple shirt? I can’t really tell.”

So you’re telling me that you’re scared for life by glitter.

”Yes I am.”

*Facepalm* What does any of this have to do with Robert Pattinson?

“Oh yeah. One day….uhm….well…. actually it has nothing to do with him, he just hurts my eyes quite a bit.”

That’s completely understandable. I think we could be fairly good friends.

”But you sound crazy. I don’t think that my mom would approve of such a crazy sounding person.”

Because your “handicapped squirrel” that made you become colour blind story isn’t weird at all, right?

“Whatever. I’m going to go get a corndog, I’ll be right back.”

Ew. You eat corndogs?

”Of course, they’re the best invention in the world after Chuck Norris movies.”

Sorry. I can’t be friends with you after all. Corndogs are the spawn of Satan. See you later buddy.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

First Post – Slice of My Life

Well. Here I am. At my own blog, typing away, thinking quickly about anything witty to say. This blog is strictly for school. I have to say that now.

Our first piece of homework from Ms. Bancroft was given about thirty minutes ago, and that homework was: start a blog, write your blog, and add the whole class to see it. So, I started my blog, am in the process of actually writing my blog, and I have no idea how to add the rest of the class to view my amazing work.

Where to start? Well, since we’re supposed to be writing about what’s important to us, I guess I can start with what SHOULD be most important to most people. Family.

My family is big, Italian, and loud. Christmas, Thanksgiving and birthdays are greatly celebrated with oodles of food, laughter and the embarrassment of me, Sarah. I think that sometimes we all take our families for granted, and we forget how lucky we actually are to be loved. I know that every time I fight with a family member, I feel bad after, and usually I end up apologizing.  To quote one of my best friends, “Apologizing does not always mean that you were wrong and the other person was right. It Just mean's you value your relationship more then your Ego.”

Something else that is very important to me is laughter. Laughter is not a material thing, it’s something that I think is special. I heard once that the more you laugh, the better you feel, the healthier you are. I even surround myself with people who make me laugh often! Who wouldn’t?!  Laughing is  something that I love to do, I hope everyone else does too :)

Another thing that I really value in others is honesty. I absolutely CANNOT stand it when I find out that someone has been lying to me. Not only does it make me quite mad, it also makes me sad, because I had most likely trusted the person that had lied to me.

I think that honesty is one of those things that effects us greatly. Although most of us don’t like to hear the truth if it’s a bad thing, especially when we know that the truth is…well…true, I think that we should all appreciate it, because in the end, it’s something special that should be valued.

Something else important to me is sports. I believe that participating in organized sports is a way to build good strong bonds with others, build leadership, and have fun. I myself play field hockey and soccer.  I have played field hockey for four years starting this season, and soccer for nine years. 

And to finish this entry, I value life. The smell of the world after it’s rained, the crunch of leaves underfoot, the warm feeling of a hug. Little, simple things that people sometimes overlook. Sometimes, those simple things are the most important things.

And to really finish it, I have two quotes of lyrics:

”It’s all about the little things, it’s all about discovering/ The way I pick you up when you are down/ It’s all about the little things/ How I miss the little things.”

- Varsity Fanclub

And my personal favourite,

“Living like life’s going out of style”

- Fall Out Boy

Thanks for the read :)

- Sarah <3
